Mobile Repair:

Mobile repair services offered in the vicinity of Guelph/Kitchener-Waterloo. Service may include, no starts, roadside breakdown, and chassis/ suspension repair. A repair technician will be sent to provide roadside assistance in a timely and efficient manner.

Specialized Equipment:

All equipment used in the shop is top quality. We use the most advanced technology for diagnostic and repair services. Specialized equipment also includes the latest engine, abs, and body software, and air conditioning repair.

Reliable Service:

Witteveen Fleet Maintenance has two shifts that run Monday to Saturday 7am to 12am with dedicated staff who are committed and loyal to the company and their career.

Small Shop Feel:

Friendly customer service with truck technicians who are locally based and are familiar with customers in the area. The shop is owner/operator managed with a crew of close-knit individuals who work well in a team environment. No factory line

Dealer Quality:

Small shop, dealer quality! While we pride ourselves in being welcoming and approachable, we also have the know-how of a larger, dealer shop. The mechanics have a wide breadth of knowledge about a variety of truck makes and models.